
Off-Topic Posts (was: Holy War of Reply-To Munging)

Tue Dec 3 11:25:21 PST 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Randi128 at aol.com [mailto:Randi128 at aol.com] 

> >We allready have a readalong and rpg sublist; might it be time for a 
> >"forum"
> list for mostly off topic threads, so they don't bother the 
> people who are 
> here only for the books?
> I came for the books. I stay for the witty and stimulating 
> conversation.------Allright, allright, I stay just to argue. 
> I love the off 
> topic threads. They are the thing that 'greases' the 
> conversation  between 
> 'legitamate' topics. 

I regard the off-topic topics as target practice for my well-used delete
key.  It's mildly annoying, but as long as I can successfully ignore the
off-topic threads, it's not a big problem.

Something one might consider: One of the reasons I read fiction is that
it is a form of escape from the "real world" (and no...let's not veer
off into a discussion of what is real), so when the "real world"
intrudes on to a mailing list (in theory) devoted to a particular
author/book/series/etc. it can be annoying.  

Especially *cough* religion, right now, anyway.  I have a coworker who
has..."renewed his faith" (I'm not sure what the right phrase is), which
in itself is not a problem...but he's pushing his values on the rest of
us (here at work), which I find _very_ annoying.  To compound the pain,
he's effectively done the same thing with his politics (I have no idea
what the right labels are for his politics), so l get to listen to that

So as you can imagine, I'm not particularly enthusiastic about hearing
about politics and religion in a community I joined for the discussion
of the fiction.

As a side note, this does not mean I think anyone on this list is even
remotely like my co-worker.  I'm just explaining why the off-topic
messages have sometimes been annoying to me.  Doesn't mean the list has
to change to make me happy, though, I can continue using my delete key.
