
Paths of the Dead Release

Hilary Hertzoff hhertzof at panix.com
Tue Dec 3 13:14:05 PST 2002

On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, H. T. wrote:

> *Smile*  I was in a not so cheerful mood today, but this has cheered me up
> and so I thought I'd share *tee hee hee*:
> I called my local Barnes and Noble before lunch to see if they have a copy
> of PoD yet. The lady that answered the phone said they absolutely,
> completely, actually do for real this time. She then pulled it from the
> shelf, said she had it in her hand, and would hold it at the counter.
> *note my skepticism as to if they actually had it (as they have said they
> did before but they didn’t), but she said they do and she physically was
> holding a copy!! Yay!!! *smile*

Darn, I was hoping to be the first.  My preordered copy from Barnes and
Noble's website showed up just before I headed off to work.  I won't be
able to dig into it until I go off to dinner at 5pm but I have actually
touched a copy!


Hilary L. Hertzoff			From here to there,
Mamaroneck Public Library		a bunny goes where a bunny must.
Mamaroneck, NY				- Little Bunny on the Move
hhertzof at panix.com			by Peter McCarty