
Paths of the Dead

Matt Jennings attjen at gwu.edu
Thu Dec 5 06:29:44 PST 2002

Picked up a copy Tuesday from the B. Dalton at Union Station D.C., and 
finished it last night.  Obligitory spoiler space follows...

Favorite line: "We call ourselves human." "Who does not?"

I was suprised that of all the familiar characters, the one I was most happy 
about upon their appearance was Tazendra, though I think I know why.  (hint: 
how she introduces herself.)

Question mark:  In Roaana's dream sequence about the coachman, on p.360 
suddenly the text says that Ibronka is having the dream.  Assuming that this 
is either intentional (somehow Roaana & Ibronka are sharing a dream), an 
intentional mistake (SKZB acknowledgements), or just a mistake, my guess is 
just a mistake.

Okay, okay, so the necromancer is really cool. And funny.  For a demon.  I 

Overall, while FHYA left me totally satisfied, here I was not.. but then again 
this is only part 1, so this is totally what I expected.

Man, Piro's expression on the cover is absolutely perfect.

Why when reading about Morrolan's circle am I reminded of Vlad's observation 
at castle black that maybe the ground below had a rune for "don't fall down."

Why doesn't Pel appear in the cast of characters? Just like a Yendi...

Now I have to go read it again...
