
POTD, questions...

Thu Dec 5 08:36:13 PST 2002

> From: Jot Powers [mailto:books at bofh.com] 
> SPOILER Space....
> Why didn't Orlaan kill Piro when she had him & Kytraan alone 
> in the woods?
> Is the similarity between the names of Orlan and Loraan 
> coincidental? It seems that they are really close, and both 
> were involved in the staff with Aliera's soul.  However, 
> Orlaan (aka Grita) is supposedly a half breed (Tsalmoth & 
> Lyron?) whereas Loraan was an Athyra.

Confusing, isn't it.  Somehow, I don't believe that it is a coincidence.

Checking Grita's ancestry would probably help, since I'm none too clear
on that.

However...if there is a connection between Grita/Orlaan, that puts a
possibly more sinister turn on Loraan's "experiments" with the wand that
held/holds Aliera's soul.  I had previously assumed his interest was
purely academic, but with Grita's agendas in mind...
> Is Ibronka a significant name, or just a name Steve likes?  
> Ibronka was, as I recall, Vlad's grandmother, the name of 
> Brita's (?) mother, and a name of a person in a Hungarian folk tale.

It was? I must have missed that.  Makes one wonder, doesn't it!