
Authors and their produce

Fri Dec 6 20:23:57 PST 2002

Steven Brust wrote:
> At 03:19 PM 12/6/2002 -0800, definitely what wrote:
>> I thought we were going to talk about authors and their produce.  I
>> myself hear Mr. Brust likes to consort with romaine lettuce.
> Untrue.  I'm not proud of it, and all my gourmet friends sneer, but I
> prefer iceberg lettuce to romaine.


The earliest records of cultivated lettuce production date back some 4,500
years ago along the green Nile Valley as illustrated in ancient Egyptian
hieroglyphs. After being introduced to China and then throughout Europe,
Christopher Columbus delivered lettuce to the New World on his second
voyage. By 1494, it was grown on Isabella Island and soon, cultivation of
lettuce was spread throughout the Caribbean Islands and into Spanish South
and Central Americas. Iceberg lettuce is reported to have been developed in
1894 by agronomists in the United States.

Taken from

You would like a species that was tampered wouldn't you!