
Paths of the Dead *spoilers*

Ruhlen, Rachel Louise (UMC-Student) RuhlenR at missouri.edu
Sat Dec 7 11:47:53 PST 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jag [mailto:agrajag at dragaera.net] 
> Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 10:28 AM
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> > If [Sethra fights Jenoine]how will the necromancer assist in the
> >  
> Well, she did in Issola, don't see why she wouldn't 
> beforehand as well.
I think she asked "how", not "why", the necromancer would assist in the

> > Will Kana oppose Zerika's right to the throne even though 
> she carries the orb?

Won't be much of a story if he doesn't. However, I'm betting that it
will be resolved without a major war. Kana gets killed, or someone (Pel)
finagles things so that everyone realizes it's in everyone's best
interest to go along with the new Empress, and Kana (or Habel) swears

> > How does Adrilankha become the capital of the Empire? Do 
> Kaahvren and Daro 
> > give up their lands?

I believe that in Vlad's time, he refers to the Countess of Whitecrest.
But I could be misremembering something. Does that ring a bell for
anyone else?

> > What will become of Orlaan and her wild bunch of bandits?

I think we can safely conclude that her bunch of bandits will be
decimated, since they've already suffered losses. But redshirts, I mean,
bandits are a dime a dozen. I'm still hoping that Orlaan will become or
bear Loraan.

> had.  How does the Orb know who is a citizen of the empire?  
> Will all of
> the old citizen's immediately get access to the Orb?  Or will 

I imagine Zerika has some control over that. The citizenry hasn't
changed as much as you'd think. If it were humans, anyone alive when the
Orb left would now be dead. But for them it's more like 20 years has
passed for us, although with the plague a lot have died, but overall not
so many new citizens who need links.

> > How exactly did or does Morrolan help in rescuing Zerika 
> from the Paths of 
> > the Dead? By tracking his way through the East? Or is 

Where did you get that he helps rescue her from the Paths of the Dead?
He rescues Aliera later, with Vlad. Unless I missed something, Zerika
got out of the Paths on her own at the very end.

> There's a big discrepency.  I'm wondering if maybe Morrolan really was
> there, but Paarfi didn't realize it, so pretended that Morrolan just

I thought they actually came very close to each other. In fact, Morrolan
& Teldra noticed a group of bandits fleeing. The bandits were fleeing
>from Piro's gang.
