
Paths of the Dead *spoilers*

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Mon Dec 9 12:27:27 PST 2002

On Fri, 6 Dec 2002, H. T. wrote:

#The following will provide spoiler space:
#Such a good read! But now I^Rm feeling inclined to go back and read TPG and
#FYA again because now I realize how much I forgot of them :\ ... didn^Rt

[Are you typing your stuff in Word or some other word processor and then
pasting it into your mail? I'm seeing it full of weird characters where
quotation marks and apostrophes should be. (You know what food
processors do to food? Well...)]

#Oh, oh, did anyone else have an ^SAlice in Wonderland^T sense at Zerika^Rs
#characterization in the Paths


-- Mark A. Mandel
   a Steven Brust Dragaera fan website