
Taltos Spoilers (was: Not really POTD, but has spoilers)

Richard Suitor rsuitor at cjwrfs.net
Mon Dec 9 17:53:43 PST 2002

On 09 Dec 2002 19:17:22 -0500, Jag <agrajag at dragaera.net> wrote:

>On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 18:56, Jot Powers wrote:

>> This supports the time travel theory, IMO.
>I always took this to support my opinion, that she is an unborn soul. 
>Of course she hasn't really been born yet if she's an unborn soul.  But
>I also see how it looks like time travel.

ditto.  Perhaps a privileged unborn soul who happens to know her next

Aliera seems to know quite a bit about the history of her soul and of
Vlad's, and can recognize Vlad's.

So at least some souls there seem to be more generally aware than others,
although Aliera has yet to recognize Devera.  (Pity, since everyone else
seems to know who she is.)

So I agree - none of that evidence requires time travel.

However, I thought I remembered some indication of movement in time.  I
don't have a reference.

We have the different time streams in the different places in Issola.

And we have the definition of gods and demons as beings who can be several
places at once.  Implying at least some freedom from the causality
constraints that seem to limit the rest of us, and in fact all known matter
in this neck of the woods.  ;<)
