
Taltos Spoilers (was: Not really POTD, but has spoilers)

Tue Dec 10 02:14:40 PST 2002

At 03:09 AM 12/10/2002 -0700, Jot Powers wrote:
>On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 01:19:46AM -0800, Steven Brust wrote:
> > At 04:56 PM 12/9/2002 -0700, Jot Powers wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >Vlad: "Aren't you supposed to be here?"
> > >Devera: "Not really.  I haven't really been born yet..."
> > >
> > >(pg 79)
> > >
> > >This supports the time travel theory, IMO.
> >
> > I can actually answer this, if people want to know my take on it.  If the
> > consenses is that speculation is more fun, however, I can understand that.
>I vote for your view on it.  Hell, there is enough you're intentionally
>vague or misleading on, I enjoy the occasional bone of clarification.  :)


<spoiler space>

I see it like this: There is no time travel as it is usually understood by 
us skiffy types.  But time can do strange things, especially in the Paths 
of the Dead, and Verra's Halls.  Devera was conceived in the Paths of the 
Dead and was born in Verra's Halls.

Time doesn't work for her the way it does for others, and she can often 
skip around in it.

So, I guess, there is a limited sort quasi-time travel, in a way.

I hope that cleared everything up.

<tee hee>