
Taltos Spoilers (was: Not really POTD, but has spoilers)

definitely what rone at ennui.org
Tue Dec 10 07:52:53 PST 2002

Steven Brust writes:
  At 04:56 PM 12/9/2002 -0700, Jot Powers wrote:
  >Vlad: "Aren't you supposed to be here?"
  >Devera: "Not really.  I haven't really been born yet..."
  >This supports the time travel theory, IMO.
  I can actually answer this, if people want to know my take on it.  If the 
  consenses is that speculation is more fun, however, I can understand that.
I was going to vote for 'speculation is more fun', but it's obviously
too late. :-p At least i managed to not read the explanatory message...

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