
Artificial release dates and online publishing

Tue Dec 10 11:46:25 PST 2002

David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> Fides <fides at kludgeco.com> writes:
>>Matthew Hunter wrote:
>>> while to date print media has continued in the long
>>>tradition of ... no protections whatsoever.
>>And in one famous and amusing case was printed with the pages
>>perferated and the text in an OCR friendly font so that it could be
>>easily scanned, copied and shared. Luckily for those of us outside the
>>US. Not that that has any relevence to this particular discussion
>>other than to provide an amusing anocdote.
> That's amusing; what was the book?  I hadn't heard about it before. 

As someone else said it was the early source code for the encryption 
program PGP. The programmer was unable to export it due to the fact that 
it was strong encryption but was able to publis the code under the 
freedom of the press rules. The first time some very nice people in 
scandinavia copied it all in to the computer and compiled it and 
released it. To make this easier for them in later editions the pages 
were perferated and the font made OCR friendly.
PGP is a great program and worth investigating (http://www.pgpi.org/)
