
Age of Dragaerans

Ruhlen, Rachel Louise (UMC-Student) RuhlenR at missouri.edu
Tue Dec 10 14:41:12 PST 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Suitor [mailto:rsuitor at cjwrfs.net] 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 4:34 PM

> I think I misremembered Savn - I think he was a bit younger 
> than I said, but I don't have that book at hand.
> But from Phoenix Guards we have Khaavren about 95 in the 
> first scene, corresponding to a teenager just starting out - 
> 16?  14 to 18?
> On the other hand, maybe I'm inflating the corresponding 
> Earth age.  Wm Bonney started out at 11 or 12 IIRC.  But I 

I'm referring to a previous message (I think it was yours), when you
estimated Savn was equivalent of 12. I had thought of him as a little
older than that. Do you have any specific reasons for setting him at 12?
I agree that the young Khaavren corresponds to 15-20 years old. I tend
to think of him as closer to 20, because of their extended ages. Wasn't
Savn about 80?
