

Gaertk at aol.com Gaertk at aol.com
Tue Dec 10 15:29:37 PST 2002

In a message dated 12/10/2002 3:45:05 PM Eastern Standard 
Time, Damien Sullivan <phoenix at ugcs.caltech.edu> writes:

> So on my web page I have a mostly anecdotal list of short 
> stories.  I was wondering if anyone, especially Steven 
> himself :) can check it or suggest things I've left out?
> http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~phoenix/brust/stories.html

I am not the Author, but I've read 11 short stories by him
(I believe that's all he's written to date).  A complete list
along with my comments on the non-Liavek stories can be found here:


Hrm, it seems I never did get around to writing my review of
All Things Liavek...
