
Age of Dragaerans

Richard Suitor rsuitor at cjwrfs.net
Wed Dec 11 08:48:39 PST 2002

On Wed, 11 Dec 2002 08:15:55 -0600, "Davis, Iain E." <feaelin at kemenel.org>

>I did some searching this morning, and so far I only found "I was pretty
>young at seventy"
>I'm pretty certain something indicated he was nearly 80, but I didn't
>find it.

Pete Granzeau tells me: "At the start of Athyra, Savn thinks of his older
sister as "being in her 80s", so he's probably in his 60s or 70s."

So up to 80 is possible - given the normal birth rate of Dragaerans, Pete's
estimate of 60's or 70's seems reasonable.
