
Tim O'Reilly on piracy, etc.

Gaertk at aol.com Gaertk at aol.com
Thu Dec 12 13:36:10 PST 2002

In a message dated 12/12/2002 3:15:55 PM Eastern Standard 
Time, "James Somebody" <amitskaw at hotmail.com> writes:

> in the vicious, one step away from dogmatic total war world 
> that is the net, I don't believe there is a faster way to 
> get people reaching for the nuclear button then to 
> introduce the prose and political stylings of Ms. Rand into 
> a discussion.

Actually, these days it seems IP debates start more flame 
wars than Ayn Rand, with gun control running a close second.

I personally found _Atlas Shrugged_ quite enjoyable, though
I should point out that I spent the time laughing AT the
characters and the author.  Also, the only reason I was
reading it was that at the time I was frequenting rasfw.robert-jordan, and wanted to understand what alt.shrugged was parodying.
