
I just had a thought

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Mon Dec 16 13:24:25 PST 2002

On Mon, 16 Dec 2002, Chris Olson - SunPS wrote:

#> I'll mention _Blade Runner_ because I consider it a success as a movie
#> on all levels I can name.  Plot, dialogue, camera work, sound,
#> soundtrack, acting, and pacing.  It's a superlative film.  It has little
#> to do with the original novel, but it is a masterful work of art.
#I agree.  I've always liked the movie, if only from
#a purely asthetic view; but it really isn't side-by-side
#with the original story (which is also great...:)

The Hitchhiker's Guide!

-- Mark A. Mandel