

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Tue Dec 17 07:43:07 PST 2002

On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, Jot Powers wrote:

#I'd been meaning to post on this.  I think it's just a limited
#number of names that Steve can keep track of.  Now, some of
#these may be the same person, but as you have pointed out, some
#are unlikely. Also, consider writing 20 books and coming up
#with enough names to populate them.  :)
#Ricardo: TPG -> Librarian, POTD -> One of Morrolan's witches

Well, I was wondering about that one!

#Ambrus: BP -> Cook, Vlad books -> Noish-pa's familiar
#Ibronka: POTD -> Main char, Vlad books -> Vlad's grandmother, Other ->
#	Hungarian folktale character


Ori: Athyra -> Teckla boy, Dragon -> sorceror
  ( http://world.std.com/~mam/Cracks-and-Shards/names.html#Smallcliff )

-- Mark A. Mandel
   a Steven Brust Dragaera fan website