On Tue, 2002-12-17 at 21:36, K Kuhn wrote: > Remember, no-one knows where a Yendi lives, I saw this while rereading Yendi, and it bugged the hell out of me. First off, there's Pel. During most of Phoenix Guards, we know exactly where he lives. In the same house as Khaavren, Tezandra, and Aerich. Second, there are Yendi who have titles and land. Most fiefdoms, especially Duchies, have central manor's where the title-holder lives. Does this mean there is no such central manor in any of the lands held by Yendi? And if so, how do they collect their tribute from the Teckla, and the lords under them? Maybe they could just pick someone to run it for them, but that doesn't seem extremely likely that they would all do that. However, on second thought, during all of PG, and FHYA, and the lost 500 years, Pel is living in Dragaera City, and nowhere near his Duchy, so he must have had something setup. And now that I'm thinking about it, all of the Pheonix's must be the same way, since before the Interregnum, they were /all/ at court. SPOILER SPACE This leaves me to wondering about Pel's lands in regards to the events in PotD. He supposedly has a duchy somewhere, however we never see him go there. And what's more, he teamed up with another Duke (actually a Count) who was taking over duchies left and right. Did Pel just hand over his Duchy to this warlord? Is Pel's duchy elsewhere and out of harms way? Or did some other warlord come and scoop up Pel's lands while Pel was playing around in the mountains? Personally, I believe its either the first option, or the last. If it was the first, then I'm guessing Pel just absented his lands and let Skinter take them over without ever admitting to being a Duke.. if he admitted he was a Duke, Skinter may not trust him, or might be worried about him. As a side note, Sethra did recognize Pel as still being the Duke of his lands. However, she didn't recognize any of Skinter's new claim, so even if a warlord had taken over Pel's lands, I believe she would have still recognized him as the Duke. Jag