In a message dated 12/17/2002 10:04:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, Jag <agrajag at> writes: > On Tue, 2002-12-17 at 21:36, K Kuhn wrote: > >> Remember, no-one knows where a Yendi lives, > > I saw this while rereading Yendi, and it bugged the hell > out of me. > > First off, there's Pel. During most of Phoenix Guards, we > know exactly where he lives. In the same house as > Khaavren, Tezandra, and Aerich. That's one place he stays, but under an assumed name. Wasn't there a comment about him spending a lot of time elsewhere? > Second, there are Yendi who have titles and land. Most > fiefdoms, especially Duchies, have central manor's where > the title-holder lives. 1. Do we know for certain that Yendi titles are attached to lands? Orca titles explicitly aren't. 2. Fiefdoms usually do have manors, but that doesn't mean the lord spends much time there. See Loraan in _Athyra_ and of course Vlad. --KG