
PotD: Devera!!? (Spoilers Likely)

Wed Dec 18 13:31:43 PST 2002

> > Really!?  I'll have to dig through the archives to see what the 
> > for thinking so is.  It seems like a bit of a stretch.
>That's what I thought as well, until the rationale was pointed out to
>me.  If you look at the battle at the end of Issola, there's a dragon
>with the Gods.  Sethra's dialog with Aliera about the dragon suggests
>that it is Devera, and Steve has confirmed it.
>The Devera FAQ (http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~phoenix/brust/devfaq.html)
>has more on it.

Well, that does make sense.

If this is the case, though, that would suggest that anytime a dragon is 
spotted, we might conclude that it's Devera.  It seems like there ought to 
be some way to distinguish between a Devera-incarnation Dragon and a 
run-of-the-mill dragon (like we saw in Brokedown Palace).

Then again, maybe there is and we just haven't discovered it.  Subtle are 
the ways of Brust. ;-)

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