
Where did you begin?

Wed Dec 18 14:19:43 PST 2002

On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 03:44:56PM -0600, "Davis, Iain E." <feaelin at kemenel.org> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Matthew Hunter [mailto:matthew at infodancer.org] 
> > Most people who read that genre are not especially fans of 
> > subtlety.
> ...really? :)

Go read 10-20 books in that genre at random.  Name 2 that 
demonstrate considerable subtlety in writing style.

I can only think of 1 other work where the mcguffin of the 
fnord isn't painfully obvious from the very start, and that one 
was only slightly less blatant about it.

For that matter, see if you can name 2 where the fnord's mcguffin 
isn't the primary method of problem solving for the fnord.  These books 
are mostly (not entirely) censoredpunk with pretentions toward 
style.  Only very few actually achieve style... and I consider 
myself of fan of that sort of thing.

Believe me, there are a lot of really, really bad fnord novels.
Think of fnord novels as a subcategory of historical romances 
with attendant quality issues.

Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org)
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