
Morrolan & Zerika (POTD spoilers)

Wed Dec 18 16:26:22 PST 2002

>Mark Mandel writes:
> > ISTR something about Godslayer being specially created to tear through
> > the Jenoine's defenses.
>I don't recall seeing a text reference to that specific point.
>On the other hand, I the impression that Godslayer was effective against
>the Jenoine (in ISSOLA) because they weren't expecting it.  It seemed to
>me as if the Jenoine were ready for Blackwand, Iceflame and Pathfinder.
>Godslayers presence was unexpected, and no defenses had been set up
>for it.

I hate replying at work when I don't have my books with me, but I just 
finished re-reading Issola not too long ago.  There was a paragraph where 
Vlad, now being able to see the lines of forces that the Jeonine were using, 
states that Blackwand, etc, were potent weapons but they weren't designed to 
handle the sort of defense that the Jeonine were using to protect 
themselves, whereas he demonstrated that Godslayer cut through those 
defenses easily.

I don't think that it's so much that Godslayer was designed to *specificaly* 
cut through the Jeonine's defenses as that, as it happened, it could do so.  
Really, considering that it's a device that is intended to slay *gods*, I 
think that we ought not be too suprised that the same functionality could 
work well against Jeonine as well.

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