
FW: Where did you begin?

Thu Dec 19 08:53:58 PST 2002

On Thu, 2002-12-19 at 08:18, Andrew Lias wrote:
> >Now, I have a question:  I have been planning to hook some of my
> >friends on Dragaera, and am trying to decide in what order to loan them the 
> >books.
> I used to be a big partisan of story-chonological order but, more and more, 
> I've come to believe that publication order is better.
> As often as not Brust "forshadows" things that have already happened, but 
> which haven't been revealed in the series.  By reading them in publication 
> order, you get that little extra thrill of discovery -- "Oh, that's what 
> Vlad was talking about!" -- just a little bit more often, and I think that 
> makes it well worth the while.

To play the devil's advocate, if you read them in reverse order you can
get the 'Oh! I remember that!' like I got when reading the legend at the
beginning of BP.
