
Brust books you didn't like (was: Where did you begin?)

David Silberstein davids at kithrup.com
Fri Dec 20 15:04:53 PST 2002

On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Damien Sullivan wrote:

>I'd imagine a Christian could let _Good Omens_ out of the "just
>fiction" box without offense.  (Not all, perhaps, but it's not
>inconsistent with a liberal interpretation of Christian beliefs. 

Well, if you say that the Metatron is pretending to speak for God, and
is therefore responsible for most of the harsher stuff in the bible,
etc, then you have Metatron in the role of Yahweh in TRiH.

>TRiH basically says Yahweh is not omnipotent, not the Creator, and
>a lying deluded tyrant.) 

Isn't that the premise of Gnosticism?  Yahweh would thus be the

Not that this contradicts your point.  Gnosticism was considered a
heresy by mainstream Christianity.

Hey, check out Apocamon!  Now *that's* a snarky take on Revelation.
