
pagination of _Book of Jhereg_

Mon Dec 23 18:16:23 PST 2002

Mark A Mandel <mam at theworld.com> wrote on Mon, 23 Dec 2002 21:07:37
> I'd like to add the page numbers of each chapter of each novel included
> in BoJ to my Table of Contents page on Cracks and Shards,
> http://world.std.com/~mam/Cracks-and-Shards/contentsV.html . I haven't
> bought BoJ, and I probably won't for a while, money being scarce. Would
> some kind soul who has a copy be so good as to send me the numbers?

I've already typed them into a file -- the chapter titles are by
courtesy with your permission from your website :)

(I don't think the mmpb pages are there any longer, though.)

- tky

{chapter titles and mmpb pages from Cracks and Shards}

_The Book of Jhereg_ by Steven Brust; 1999 Ace tp

{Lance Nathan, via Cracks and Shards:

"Each chapter heading is a saying that relates to both chapter events
and the House in the corresponding position in the Cycle."}

amorphia vs chaos, by Dorothy Heydt


** p(-7).       "The Cycle"
** pp(-6)-(-5). "The Adventures of Vlad Taltos", [title page]
** p(-4).       [dedication and copyright]
** p(-3).       "Author's Note" [reading order: series vs publication]
** pp(-2)-(-0). [blank], "Pronunciation Guide", [blank]

pp1-2.     "Jhereg" [spell for jhereg as witch's familiar], [blank]
pp3-13.    "Prologue"
pp14-20.   ch1:  "Success leads to stagnation;\stagnation leads to failure."
pp21-27.   ch2:  "There is no substitute for good manners -- 
                  except fast reflexes."
pp28-35.   ch3:  "Everyone is a predator."
pp36-41.   ch4:  "Inspiration requires preparation."
pp42-48.   ch5:  "There are dangers in eyesight too keen."
pp49-56.   ch6:  "True heroics must be carefully planned -- 
                  and strenuously avoided."
pp57-67.   ch7:  "Always speak politely to an enraged Dragon."
pp68-75.   ch8:  "There is no such thing as sufficient preparation."
pp76-83.   ch9:  "You can't put it together again 
                  unless you've torn it apart first."
pp84-95.   ch10: "One man's mistake is another man's opportunity."
pp96-102.  ch11: "When the blameless\And the righteous die\
                  The very gods\For vengeance cry."
pp103-114. ch12: "Tread lightly near thine own traps."
pp115-122. ch13: "The bite of the yendi can never be fully healed."
pp123-135. ch14: "Oft 'tis startling to reveal what the murky depths conceal."
pp136-142. ch15: "Staring into the dragon's jaw, one quickly learns wisdom."
pp143-155. ch16: "The adding of a single thread changes the garment."
pp156-166. ch17: "No matter how subtle the wizard,\
                  a knife between the shoulder blades will\
                  seriously cramp his style."
pp167-173. "Epilogue: Failure leads to maturity; maturity leads to success."
p174.      [blank]


Parenthesized pages: where chapter heading appears as dialogue, sometimes altered.

original:          "Wellock" (David Silberstein on RASFW)
Cracks and Shards: "Wellok"
Text:              "Welok"
maps? introduction?

** pp175-176.        [title] "Yendi" [quote], [blank]
** pp177-184. (181)  ch1:  "Stay out of sight, in case they get rude."
   {full  dialogue} "No.  You #"
** pp185-193. (190)  ch2:  "I'm going to want protection."
   {full dialogue} "And send in a couple of enforcers in here. #"
** pp194-201. (197)  ch3:  "This Laris teckla is no teckla."
   {fuller dialogue} "#, boss.  He knew what he was doing #"
** pp202-209. (205)  ch4:  "You expect to be unavailable?"
** pp210-217. (214)  ch5:  "For an assassin, you're a real sweetheart."
** pp218-226. (223)  ch6:  "I'm going to take a walk."
   {full dialogue} "#  Who's protecting me today?"
** pp227-235. (232)  ch7:  "I guess there's just a time for doing dumb things."
   {full dialogue} "#, Loiosh."
** pp236-243. (237)  ch8:  "I'll stay here and clean up the blood."
   {full dialogue} "Fine, #"
** pp244-252. (245)  ch9:  "I guess they wanted to see you."
   {actual dialogue} "I guess they were looking for you, boss."
** pp253-260. (257)  ch10: "I dislike killing my guests."
   {full dialogue: entire paragraph from Sethra to Norathar}
** pp261-268. (264)  ch11: "A quick game, boss?"
** pp269-276. (272)  ch12: "Friendly, isn't she?"
** pp277-285. (283)  ch13: "Well, what did you think I'd do?  Kiss him?"
** pp286-294. (292)  ch14: "Lord Morrolan, I must insist."
    {full dialogue} "# --"
** pp295-303. (297)  ch15: "I imagine he's being well paid."
    {full dialogue} "I imagine that he's being well paid."
** pp304-311. (305)  ch16: "Vladimir and I will just watch."
    {full dialogue} "I don't mind, #"
** pp312-317. (314)  ch17: "You what?"
** p318.             [blank]


** pp319-320. [title] "Teckla" {intro?}, [blank]

** pp321-323. "Prologue" [Vlad visits an oracle, turns down "work"]

** pp324-326. [blank], [Vlad's laundry orders], [blank]

** pp327-335. ch1.       "1 grey knit cotton shirt: 
	            (327) remove wine stain from rt sleeve..."

** pp336-344. ch2. (337) "...black tallow from lft..."

** pp345-353. ch3. (346) "...& repair cut in rt cuff."

** pp354-363. ch4.       "1 pr grey trousers: 
	            (361) remove blood stain from upper rt leg..."

** pp364-372. ch5. (367) "...klava stain from upper lft..."

** pp373-380. ch6. (375) "...& dirt from knees."
   [Vlad is tortured and rescued; Spellbreaker does an odd dance.]

** pp381-389. ch7.       "1 pr black riding boots:\
	            (387) remove reddish stain on toe of rt boot..."

** pp390-397. ch8. (?) "...& remove dust & soot from both..."

** pp398-406. ch9. (398?) "...& polish."

** pp407-414. ch10. (407) "1 grey silk cravat: repair cut..."

** pp415-423. ch11. (?) "...& remove sweat stains."

** pp424-432. ch12. (?) "1 plain grey cloak: clean & press..."

** pp433-441. ch13. (433) "...remove cat hairs..."
** pp442-448. ch14. (?) "...brush to remove white particles..."

** pp449-458. ch15. (457) "...remove honing-oil stains..."

** pp459-468. ch16. (464) "..& repair cut in left side."

** pp469-471. ch17. (471) "1 pocket handkerchief: clean & press."