Here you go Mark: -7 the Cycle -6 the Adventures of Vlad Taltos -5 title page -4 copyright -3 Author's Note -1 Pronunciation Guide 1 Taltos 1.3 2.13 3.25 4.38 5.48 6.56 7.64 8.76 9.88 10.98 11.108 12.118 13.128 14.139 15.149 16.160 17.169 175 Phoenix / pseudo-Prologue 177 Part 1 1.179 2.190 3.200 4.217 5.229 241 Part 2 6.243 7.254 8.263 9.277 10.289 11.302 12.316 13.329 14.339 353 Part 3 15.355 16.368 17.376 388 Epilogue --KG