
The Jhereg

Peter H. Granzeau pgranzeau at cox.net
Sat Dec 28 11:03:49 PST 2002

At 13:06 12/28/2002 -0500, Jose Marquez wrote:

>Mia McDavid wrote:
> >
> > I think a useful corollary question is:  When was the Wheel created, by
> > whom, and under what circumstances?  The whole Dragaeran structure is
> > based on the Wheel, which is not just somebody's pretty idea, but an
> > independent magical object.  It solidified the 17-tribe structure; the
> > Jhereg *has to* exist going forward because it has a place on the Wheel.
>The Wheel could also be a kind of mystical object that allows for the
>genocidal tendencies of huma...er, Dragaerans. If the Dragons ever
>succeed in wiping out the Jhereg, perhaps another tribe will spring up
>to take its place, or perhaps the Jhereg symbol will just pop off the
>Wheel as its mystical energies adapt. And take the Phoenix as well...

The situation of the Phoenix puzzles me, and Chapter Eighteen of _Th e 
Paths of the Dead_ don't help me a single bit. Parthenogenesis?

Regards, Pete
pgranzeau at cox.net