P a t h s o f t h e D e a d S p o i l e r s A h e a d Upon finishing PotD I was surprised to feel no immediate desire to reread it a few times - some combination of 400 pages, the relative lack of extended action, and Paarfi. But there were some pages or paragraphs or words I searched for right away - perhaps the list would join me in contemplating them. 1. Two letters were high points in the novel for me: Pel on Sethra, and Aerich to Pel. The first, because it cast such an interesting light on that most laconic of encounters (and one feels that for once the translator has not had to edit Paarfi down) and because it's so characteristic of Pel. And so hilarious. The second, because Aerich's nobility is so evident in it and in his manner of addressing it (a gesture worthy of his model, Athos). While on the subject of the Three Musketeers, I'd like to point to chapter XLVIII of TTM, in which Pel's model writes Aramis a Yendian letter, and to Twenty Years After, from which "the desire to avoid crossing blades with you" might have been taken. These echoes added greatly to my pleasure in these letters - I feel that Paarfi could use some more of the bite of Dumas (e.g., when Athos introduces his son to the teenager's mother, she asks to take him into her care, upon which Athos says 'you may have forgotten the story of Oedipus but I have not'). I haven't read Le Vicomte de Bragelonne because not even the French seem to have anything good to say about it - hopefully that's not a bad omen - reserving judgement for another 800 or so pages... 2. Teldra spends a considerable time in the wilderness in this novel. Looking back at the beginning of Issola, where Vlad has a typical I'm-better-than-a-Dragaeran moment about his woodsmanship, I wonder why Teldra has to pick her way carefully. (By the way, can someone reassure me about the first interaction between them in that novel, where Teldra in effect says they are friends? I had assumed their relationship had consisted of 'Effusive greeting' -> 'uncomfortable/off-balance acknowledgement' and 'Wine?' -> 'ditto' until that point.) There are several points about Vlad's reporting of Teldra's account of her meeting with Morrolan in Issola chapter 7 that are worth poking at. 3. Tri'nagore gets slapped down by Verra when he suggests Kana might make a good Emperor. I think this is his sole function in PotD. Somewhere in Issola Teldra says something like 'You don't hear much about him these days' and that he was associated with the razers of Blackchapel. I didn't identify him in the gods' confrontation with Zerika but presume he will appear later in association with some intrigue and perhaps, to be wildly speculative, alternate methods of godslaying. 4. Oaths - touching that Piro has adopted "Cha!". Rather chilling that the Musketeers (except Aerich?) use "Star me", hearkening back to the nearly-abrupt conclusion of PG. I found "The Trey", presumably appearing to complement Verra's sisters, rather jarring. 5. Tazendra's intelligence - I admired her speech in concluding chapter 16. I find her (assumed?) stupidity grating after a while - I hope she gets more opportunities to demonstrate that "if Sethra Lavode said it, it must be the truth" in reference to 'no dumb sorcerer ever made it past 500'. 6. Horse racing. Is Paarfi being nonsensical in the chapter 27 digression about a runner chasing a rider? There's a book (well worth reading) called Chasing After Antelopes which has interesting things to say about bipedalism and strategies for a band of weaponless hunters to run down an antelope. Dragaerans are very tall, but also very slender - are they heavier than Easterners? I had assumed they're heavier and would burden a horse, but then they would also make relatively worse runners. I recall Khaavren being impressed by Crionofenarr riding a stallion. Do we have reason to believe gravity on Dragaera is 9.8 m/s/s? Any ideas? 7. The Paths - reading Zerika's ordeal walking the Paths, I was reminded of Amber - both hellrides and the Pattern. Maybe I'm just imagining things on the basis of Brust's admiration for the late lamented Roger Zelazny (and v.v. - Z.'s intro to TRiH was what got me started down this, uhh, path) but maybe someday we'll learn Vlad, Morrolan, and Zerika all bear some mark of the passage. (Ok, that's way out there, but Vlad's bonding moments with Spellbreaker were a bit like Corwin's encounter with the Jewel of Judgment so it makes analogic sense [above proviso applies].) 0. Excellent list, everybody - I've been reading you since early December and have learned quite a few "obvious" things I hadn't picked up on. - Philip Hart