
Two words about two letters etc.

Thu Jan 9 10:15:27 PST 2003

>From: Philip Hart <philiph at SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
>The Gods have decided they need help combatting the Jenoine, who are
>restive lately?  Maybe the J are the (physical) Cycle's way of forcing
>the Gods to allow the Dragaerans to develop after a Great Cycle?

Truth to tell, I like this theory.

>My point (or assertion since we know squat about magic) was that humans
>function, therefore technology does - I can much more easily imagine
>changes in physics that would allow cars and computers but not cats than 
>vice versa.  A protein or a synapse is a lot more sensitive to such changes 
>than a piston or a semiconductor.

Actually, I find that a compelling argument.  I still think that the best 
answer to the question of why physical technology isn't common in the Empire 
is the matter of engineering pragmatics.  I would not be surprised to find 
that a lot of Dragaeran scholars have studied, for instance, 
electro-magnetism in detail but that the subject is one of purely acedemic 
interest because, outside of the odd hobbiest, Dragaeran engineers simply 
don't see the point of designing electrical devices that would merely (and, 
more often than not, poorly) duplicate what you can already accomplish with 

I suppose that there might also be political and social factors involved, as 
well.  Technology tends to democratize things.  In earlier times, the 
ability to easily travel long distances was a priviledge of the nobility 
since horses were extremely valuable and required a fair amount of upkeep.  
It wasn't until the development of trains and, later, automobils, that the 
lower classes were able to afford the sort of mobility that the upper 
classes were likely to take for granted.

In Dragaera, the last thing that the other houses would want to do would be 
to make new technologies which would primary be of benefit to Tekla.  Since 
all of the R&D is likely to be done by non-Tekla, even if some bright fellow 
invents a better non-sorcerous mousetrap, he very well might only share it 
as a point of theoretical interest with his collegues while purposely not 
persuing any serious development of the technology.  I can also imagin the 
Empire, itself, stepping in when someone does try to introduce disruptive 

The one technology that strikes me as problematic to these theories is that 
of gunpowder.  Gunpower is so obviously and manifestly useful to the 
military that I have trouble believing that it could be supressed.. the 
Dragon's, if no one else, would not relinquish the technology lightly.  I 
think that there is another solution to that problem though, that I would 
propose.  We know, from Issola, that the Dragons have been engaged in 
sorcerous arms races for a good long time and that the nature of battle 
shifts back and forth, sometimes being dominated by sorcery and sometimes 
being dominated by arms.  I can imagin that there *was* an era where 
firearms where introduced into the field and, perhaps, even dominated the 
field until such time as some sorcerer developed a set of spells that 
negated their utility, after which they became merely another footnote in 
the long history of the Empire.

>Vernor Vinge fans will ask, Is the Empire heading for a sorcerous
>Singularity?  (I.e., will there be general Orb-building then Orb-building 
>Orbs or Orb-assisted Elder Sorcery learning and boom everyone's godlike?)

That might happen if Orb construction wasn't severely circumscribed to the 
point where it appears that no additional Orbs can be made.

On the other hand, perhaps the Jeonine disaster could be viewed as a prior 
Singularity, of a sort.  After all, it did end up with the production of 
quite a few god-like individuals (well, gods in fact).

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