
From the wacky pages of Amazon.com

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Thu Jan 16 17:07:12 PST 2003

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003 Randi128 at aol.com wrote:

	Steve wrote:
#>>Damn. They screwed up again. I wanted it scheduled for Labor day Weekend,
#>>1973, so it would be new for the Minneapolis Worldcon.
#I guess you wrote it so fast you went back in time.

I wrote a filk version of The Liar's Song (I was born about 1,000 years
ago), partly inspired by Steve's own takeoff on it, and with his
permission quoting his chorus. That section goes:

I told Mulligan to sing his histories,
I taught Filthy Pierre the ticklin' of the keys,
And when I travel back in time,    and he hears this little rhyme,
Steven Brust will steal this song from me!

<Spoken: And he'll sing:>  I was born about a million songs ago,
I'm the guy what first invented rock-n-roll.
I saw Peter, Paul, and Mary singing "Puff, the Magic Fairy",
And I'll dose the guy that doesn't like my show!

-- Mark A. Mandel, The Filker With No Nickname