On Fri, 24 Jan 2003, Michael Schloss wrote: # Of the ones I remember, my favorites are: # # The "lightbulb" jokes. They weren't about screwing in lightbulbs in the # book, but I don't remember what they were about. The best was: # # Q: How many Yendi does it take to screw in a lightbulb? # A: Three. One to screw in the lightbulb, and one to confuse the issue. There are three of them, all in _Yendi_. I have collected them at http://world.std.com/~mam/Cracks-and-Shards/jokes.html#lightbulb . The others are: How many Easterners does it take to sharpen a sword? Four: one to hold the sword and three to move the grindstone. [Yen19] The point: Easterners are stupid. How many Dzur does it take to sharpen a sword? Four: one to sharpen the sword and three to put up enough of a fight to make it worthwhile. [Yen71] The point: Dzur love to fight. -- Mark A. Mandel http://world.std.com/~mam/Cracks-and-Shards/ a Steven Brust Dragaera fan website