
Favorite NON-fiction

Michael Barr barr at barrs.org
Tue Jan 28 09:18:02 PST 2003

On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Fides wrote:

> Andrew Lias wrote:
> Whether there should also be other courses on Grad 
> Students in Science or Men in Science or just People who Got Screwed by 
> the System in Science is a whole other question. I think The People that 
> Science Forget would make quite a catchy course title though.
> ;-)
> Fides

I don't want to get involved in this discussion since I really don't know
all the facts.  But that last sentence reminds of an outstanding series of
programs on CBC every Thursday morning called, "In the Shadows" about
musicians and composers who may have been every bit as good as some
contemporaries but just somehow lost out in the fame and recognition
sweepstakes.  There are scientists like that too.
