
Concerning Errata

David Gunderson azarule at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 5 20:11:32 PST 2003

Wow.  The sheer volume of effort devoted to that amazes me :-)

Incidentally : Hi !  I just joined the list !  This is my unusually cheery 
introduction message with virtually the same wording that everyone else had 
in *their* unusually cheery introduction messages !

(Sarcasm.  It is your friend.  Know it & love it ;-)

|If we shadows have offended, think but this, and all is mended: you  | 
|have but slumbered here while these visions did appear. And this     |
|weak and idle theme, no more yielding but a dream. Gentles, do not   | 
|reprehend. If you pardon, we will mend.                              |

>From: David Silberstein <davids at kithrup.com>
>To: Draegara List <dragaera at dragaera.info>
>Subject: Re: Concerning Errata
>Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 19:08:39 -0800 (PST)
>On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Steven Brust wrote:
> >At 06:10 PM 2/4/2003 -0800, David Silberstein wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>    pg. 35, and everwhere else it appears: "Sötétcsilleg"
> >>    ("Dark Star"). All of my researches indicate that "star",
> >>    in Hungarian, is properly spelled "csillag", not "csilleg".
> >>    Note that this also occurs in "Issola", both hardback and
> >>    paperback editions.
> >
> >I might have screwed that up, but I was shooting for a straight
> >translation of dark star.  I'm too lazy to go look it up now.
> >
> >>http://consulting.medios.fi/dictionary/?language=en&search=star
>To corroborate my above assertion, here is some furthur research I
>have done (I can be exceedingly thorough when it comes to research):
>Besides the above website, there is another nice English-Hungarian,
>Hungarian-English web dictionary:
>    http://dict.sztaki.hu/english-hungarian
>    http://dict.sztaki.hu/dict_search.php?L=ENG&W=star
>Google is hardly authoratative, but there is only one hit for
>"csilleg", and 54,500 hits for "csillag".
>And finally, I have a snippet of a song file (79k, since it's just the
>first 5 seconds) called "Ej, csillag, csillag", from Muzsikás & Márta
>Sebestyén [1]:
>    http://www.kithrup.com/~davids/Ej,_csillag,_csillag.mp3
>I'm pretty sure it's "csillag".
>I wondered in RASFW whether the spelling of the word might change as a
>result of grammatical modification, and was told the following (I
>don't know if it's authoratative, but it strongly suggests to me, at
>least, that the initial "Sötét" would not change the ending of
>  I wrote:
>  > I'm not sure if spelling it with an "e" is a typo, or just the
>  > proper grammatical form for that particular formation.
>  Fred Galvin (galvin (at) math.ukans.edu) wrote:
>  > Must be a typo. "Csillag" is the basic word ("nominative"), and all
>  > other forms are obtained by adding suffixes: "csillagok" = "stars",
>  > "csillagom" = "my star", etc.
>[1] Or Muszikas & Marta Sebestyen, in case the accents don't show
>     up.  See also:
>     http://www.hungaria.org/lists/folklor/muzsikas/
>     http://www.multikulti.se/rekcd/europe/central/star.html

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