

Wed Feb 12 20:25:51 PST 2003

Reen Brust wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andrew McGuigan" <ajmcguigan at yahoo.com>(snip)
> > P.S. Are there gay great weapons, and if so, would
> > Daymar get one? :)
> This one gave me a jolt of surprise.  I don't believe I've ever discussed
> Daymar's sex life before and I'm not entirely sure I should start now...
> However, if you're suggesting Daymar is gay, I beg to differ.  If Steven has
> ever said anything of the kind, I missed it.   Not that there is anything
> wrong with being gay, or whatever; I would expect Daymar to be intrigued
> rather than offended.  It's not a problem, it was just a big surprise.  I
> have to admit I'm a little curious about why you would think so myself.  Or
> was it just a case of hoping it might be so?

I have Daymar moments - when I don't understand a social something
everybody else seems to get.  Gentle as a friendly kitten, mind as strong
as an Arisian (ahh, space pulp), and as much clue as a greased monkey
wearing clue repellant in the middle of the desert a hundred miles away
>from the nearest clue, a clue that's itself so useless it's a kloo instead.

I identify Daymar's most notable attribute as his cluelessness.  It's what
makes him so irritating.  Friendly guy though.  I like him.
