On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 17:30, Ryan Grove wrote: > circadian rhyme wrote: > > Matthew Hunter writes: > > So, Steve, does Dzur Mountain run Linux? > > > > Preposterous. Dzur Mountain is probably running VM/CMS. Maybe Multics. > > Bah, I'm certain Dzur Mountain runs OpenBSD. Zero remote vulnerabilities > in the default install since the Interregnum! *laughs* I very seriously doubt it. Sethra isn't the type to have Dzur Mountain be unusable so that she can pretend[1] its secure. She's more the type to actually make it secure, then be content to know its secure instead of trying to make everyone else think it is secure. [1] OpenBSD's record has definately been broken, and I don't think it was ever as shiny as they made it out to be. Jag