
Speaking of Vlad and Kiera

Ruhlen, Rachel Louise (UMC-Student) RuhlenR at missouri.edu
Thu Feb 20 10:54:29 PST 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gaertk at aol.com [mailto:Gaertk at aol.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 10:14 AM
> To: dragaera at dragaera.info
> Subject: RE: Speaking of Vlad and Kiera
> In a message dated 2/19/2003 9:21:12 PM Eastern Standard 
> Time, "Ruhlen, Rachel Louise (UMC-Student)" 
> <RuhlenR at missouri.edu> writes:
> Greater Revelation of _Orca_
> S
> P
> O
> I
> L
> E
> R
> >
> > This is covered on Mark's Cracks-and-Shards page but hasn't
> > been discussed on this list. Here's my take on it:
> >
> > 1. In the initial books, Steve had no idea that Kiera is
> > Sethra.
> > 2. When he "discovered" that, he either didn't remember 
> > that inconsistency, or more likely did remember and cackled 
> > evilly and left it as it was.
> I have to disagree; there are too many little clues in the 
> early books, and even a couple mid-sized clues like the 
> diamond in _Yendi_ and the comment "Boss, have we met her 
> before?" in _Taltos_.

That's what I mean. He drops clues that he doesn't know the answer to.
Then figures out the answer for later books, tying up all the loose ends
(and creating more in the process). It seems like he must have known the
answer all along, because there are so many clues, but he's actually
just really good at picking up several clues and coming up with a
solution that answers several of them.

It is certainly possible that occassionally he does drop clues with
something specific in mind. It's also possible I misunderstood that
conversation about the Book of Wizards.

I'd be very disappointed if he ever truly tied up all the loose ends.
