
U need to reference Empire of the East

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Fri Feb 21 06:38:17 PST 2003

I posted your message to the dragaera list and gotten replies from a
number of people. I'm going to forward them all to you, beginning with
my own repost of your message.

Now that I've seen their replies, I recognize the Saberhagen Swords
books, which I've read. I certainly didn't recognize them from your
description, and I don't see any similarity at all in the two series
beyond the use of a couple of concepts that are common currency in
fantasy literature. Saying that Brust (not "Burst") based Dragaera on
the Swords/Empire series is kind of like saying that, oh, the DareDevil
movie is based on the Smallville TV series because they're both about
guys with unusual abilities who travel through the air.

You wrote: "Burst thanks him for the Idea / genisis of the world in the
1st book of seris". Brust says "Nah.  I've read a lot of Saberhagen,
including those books, but I don't recall stealing from them.  I was too
busy stealing from Zelazny." Can you give a citation (book title and
page or chapter) for the acknowledgement you refer to?

Again, though, thank you for pointing out what seemed to you to be a
real connection. I'm glad that you enjoy Brust's work and my own Cracks
and Shards pages.

-- Mark A. Mandel
   a Steven Brust Dragaera fan website