
Empire of the East

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Fri Feb 21 06:44:40 PST 2003

	[Damien S.]
#> >. . .  Nothing for Mark to get excited or worried over, I'd say.

I was only worried about bad links.

#> >Especially given the guy can't spell "Brust", "you", or "Please".

	[David S.]
#> Or "Dragaera", "genesis", "believe" or "vanishes".

	[Steve S. -- is this a last-initial conspiracy?]
#It could well be that he's referring to some other story/author
#(possibly not published in English, judging from the guy's own
#English) and has confused them with Brust/Dragaera.

I'm pretty sure the guy's a US native English-speaker, no more literate
than many these days and equally unaware of differences between writing
and messaging. The abbreviations that are common in electronic short
text message format are showing up in papers submitted for classes,
which is causing considerable uproar.

-- Mark A. Mandel