
Back to language

Thu Feb 27 16:28:49 PST 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Olson - SunPS [mailto:Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM]
> Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 18:56
> To: dragaera at dragaera.info; RuhlenR at missouri.edu
> Subject: Re: Back to language
> > Here is my reply. Remember that long involved discussion about languages
> > a couple months ago? That focused on spoken languages but I think the
> > same holds true for written language. Language is used to communicate,
> > but it is also used to identify ourselves. Groups of people who feel
> > different than the ruling class take pride in their own language,
> > despite it being considered ungrammatical or improper (by the ruling
> > class). I speculate that those who use the pager-abbreviations are
> > predominantly 13-22 years old, a time when kids try out several
> > "identities" (aka, rebel against the parents).
> Heh.  I've heard the ruling class.  They don't know what
> they're talking about or how to say it.  Now, all those
> English Majors, however.... <grin>
> I could give examples, but I'd be here all day.  Look back
> at, say, most any recent talk given by Bush et al.
> <grin>
> Chris
> "I feel if a person can't communicate,
> the very least they can do is shut up."
> 	~ Tom Lehrer ~

Meh.  You got me all chillin. *LOL* U 4ll rulez !
WhatEVER, I'm jiggy with it. gag me.
