
Concerning Great Weapons & Baritt

Raellew at aol.com Raellew at aol.com
Sat Mar 8 18:32:35 PST 2003

Spoilers for _Issola_, maybe _Dragon_

In a message dated 3/8/03, Philip Hart writes:
>I have wondered why Spellbreaker hadn't previously snaked at tDG.
>I think in _I_ Vlad notes it has been acting freaky lately - presumably
>it has some idea its time is come.  The Serioli from _D_ seems to 
>have a similar unphysical relation with time.  I wonder if constructing 
>a GW involves a Serioli soul as an essential ingredient.  Maybe that's 
>why there are so few - something I argued made little sense in my 
>technosnark of a few months ago - not enough volunteers...

My personal theory:

Lady Teldra and the Morganti dagger. _Issola_ was the first time
all three components of what would become Godslayer were
together in the presence of a god, and Spellbreaker reacted.
