> @> [2] So, what would have happened if Teldra would have first gotten cut > @> by a different Morganti blade. Would Godslayer be lost for all time? > @> Or due to the Great Weapon connection, would she somehow be immune, or > @> at least have her soul stored in the attacking weapon instead of > @> destroyed? > > Hmm. The impression I had is that it could have possibly been someone > else's soul. The important ingredient, if you will, was the soul of > someone who loved Vlad. The fact that it happened to be Lady Teldra > specifically was due to the gnomic workings of fate. Y'know, coincidence. > > I think the JoJ scene just says that you might be able to do something > about a soul being eaten if you're on the spot with exactly the right tool > and you do something instantly (there's definitely time pressure involved, > or so Vlad believes at the time). > > Similarly, I bet it could have been any Morganti weapon. This would be > supported by ADoP, in which Godslayer appears to be some other (larger) > weapon and also seems to contain somebody else's soul (or maybe not). The > important component is probably Spellbreaker, which is a tool that ties > together the wielder, weapon, and soul when the appropriate time > occurs. This also might explain why Spellbreaker isn't part of the other > Godslayer: perhaps it can be disconnected once the weapon is actually > created, or perhaps it can be divided into pieces without destroying its > special qualities, or perhaps there is more than one Spellbreaker floating > around, and a different one made the Giant Godslayer Sword. > Hmm I'm thinking that this has been laid out; spellbreaker was found where? (Loraan's keep) Loraan didn't like the idea that vlad picked up Spellbreaker, not just for the obvious reason that it could disrupt his spells but somehow the artifact worked upon soul transferal, maybe even allowing Loraan to do something with his soul, etc. > Of course, it's also possible that the other Godslayer is no longer > canon (or never actually was). Has Mr. Brust said anything about that > anywhere? >