
Concerning Morganti Weapons (Issola spoiler)

Wed Mar 12 13:19:50 PST 2003

On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Jose Marquez wrote:

> Scott Raun wrote:
> >
> > Because I distinctly recall Kragar telling Vlad in _Jhereg_ that he
> > had a Serioli connection for getting Morganti Weapons.
> I recall him saying he had a supplier; I don't recall that it was a
> specifically Serioli supplier. Sorry, I don't have any TextEv for you.

Paarfi describes the Serioli as being rare to the point that it's commonly
thought they are extinct.  And Vlad has never seen one before _Dragon_, or
probably even heard one described, given his reaction.

> I would imagine that some clever Athyra or even a Dragon has figured out
> the secret of making Morganti weapons.

I doubt this judging from the Texts, though it sounds sensible otherwise,
though on the other hand we don't know much about Serioli magic.
Note that, as I discussed in an earlier thread, the Jenoine give Vlad a
Morganti blade to use on Verra, not some equivalent device, and they seem
otherwise to be sophisticated users of magic.