
Concerning Morganti Weapons (Issola spoiler)

Gaertk at aol.com Gaertk at aol.com
Wed Mar 12 17:00:52 PST 2003

Philip Hart <philiph at SLAC.Stanford.EDU> writes:

> On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 Gaertk at aol.com wrote:
>> That's likely because they don't have the time/inclination 
>> to train Vlad in the use of their own weapons.  Remember 
>> they also had a rack full of things Vlad recognised as 
>> weapons.  And I doubt its coincidence that the weapons 
>> they plan on giving to allies are more harmful to their 
>> enemies than to themselves.
> I think using the verb "plan" with "Jenoine" as the subject 
> is a bit of a stretch.  And it seems to me that they give 
> Vlad the only weapon useful against themselves.  They 
> appear to find MWs useful - though they don't use one 
> against Verra (trying to cleanse my mind of the image of 
> her jumping on the back of one and clawing him) - and while 
> it's by no means solid evidence, I think they ought to have 
> given Vlad a non-Morganti dagger designed to be safe to 
> Jenoine if they had the technology.

I know I worded my comments poorly, but I wanted to include
the weapons rack as well as the Morganti dagger, but exclude
the weapons used on Morrolan and Aliera and pointed at Verra.

> The weapons rack you allude to strikes me as decorative to 
> first order - the war for Dragaera won't be won with plain 
> steel.

Decorative for whom?  The prisoners aren't supposed to see 
it.  Note that it was harder to find than the doorway leading
out to the river of amorphia.
