
Concerning Great Weapons & Baritt (spoilers for POTD) (and Issola)

Thu Mar 13 13:00:38 PST 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jag [mailto:agrajag at dragaera.net]
> Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 15:40
> To: Damien Sullivan
> Cc: Dragaera Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Concerning Great Weapons & Baritt (spoilers for POTD)
> On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 17:16, Damien Sullivan wrote:
> > On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 11:12:10AM -0500, Jag wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I believe that, to Dragaeran "necromancers" (and to the Jenoine),
> > > > "aliveness" is in some way translatable into "location" -- perhaps
> > > > in a similar way to how Einsteinian physics sees space and time as
> > > > inextricably bound-up aspects of each other.
> > >
> > > I seem to recall at one point that someone claims that the Necromancer
> > > just considers being alive and dead a matter of energy levels.  But it
> >
> > In _Yendi_, when Sethra had StY exiled, didn't she say she had
> the Necromancer
> > move StY to another plane?  (Where time passed faster.)  And
> the Necromancer
> > is the one trying to keep the Jenoine from skedaddling in _Dragon_.
> Was doing some quick reading in _Dragon_ for another thread and
> found an answer
> to this one as well.  Turns out I was, yet again, wrong.
> On page 110 of the paperback, the Serioli gives a name for Blackwand
> which Morrolan roughly translates as 'Magical wand for creating death in
> the form of a black sword.'  Then the Serioli goes on to correct him,
> saying 'creating death' isn't quite right, but 'removing life-substance'
> or 'sending life-substance to--'[1] would be better.  He is talking
> about Blackwand in specific, but I believe it probablly applies to all
> MWs.  That, or the 'wand' part of Blackwand makes it special in how it
> deals with souls.
> Another interesting thing is that the Serioli goes on to say that all
> the GWs were designed to find and destroy those who sit on the Thrones
> of Judgement, and that one in particular, Pathfinder, became something
> else and was able to find any object the wielder desired.  So, even
> though we haven't seen it yet, it appears that there is something about
> the GWs that will allow them to locate the Gods.  Newer, faster, better
> divine summoning.
> [1] Morrolan cut him off before he could finish.
> ** Issola spoilers **
> There was comments on another thread about why Verra told Vlad to bring
> Spellbreaker in contact with Pathfinder and why she chose Pathfinder.
> Read the passage I mentioned above, it deals with that in some ways.
> Although its a bit vague, it does say that Pathfinder and Godslayer are
> somehow linked in their creation.

Interesting thought leading to a proposed logical progression.  If parts
made up GodSlayer, then perhaps GodSlayer + Pathfinder (maybe more) would
beget something greater.  Interesting to see a battle where one person
wielded more than one too.


Presume not that I am the thing I was
	--William Shakespeare