On Sun, 2003-03-16 at 21:11, Philip Hart wrote: > Bottom of page 392 - "Zerika the Fourth". Maybe we knew her title > already, but I was surprised. It takes some chutzpah to name one's > child after the cofounder of the empire... > Do we know who named her? Didn't her mother die during childbirth? With all her involvement, it may actually be Sethra who gave Zerika the Fourth her name. In that case, it makes a lot of sense. Sethra knows that this baby girl (probablly) will eventually bring the Empire back together. Giving her the same name as the first Empress may actually help her gain some respect. And considering what all Zerika did/would have to go through, Sethra could be pretty confident that history would either remember her as bringing back the Empire, or it wouldn't remember her at all. Nothing wrong with a great name if she's remembered for resurecting the Empire. And no one to complain about the choice of name if she ends up forgotten about and never known.