
FW: Wear Brust on your Chest

Gaertk at aol.com Gaertk at aol.com
Sun Jun 1 14:23:21 PDT 2003

Eric Shivak <eshivak at netzero.net> writes:

> So... Color me clueless... But, is that legal?
> Are they allowed to use what I am assuming (with all risks 
> involved in that already known) is a trademarked image 
> without compensation?

I doubt Brust could make any intellectual property claims on
that image; after all, he didn't do any of the cover art for
the books (and it isn't even an exact match to _Dragon_:
look how the wing touches the tail).  It does seem to be an
exact match to:


[Odd, I noticed that _Dragon_ (mmpb) credits the image to 
STEVEN Hickman.  Typo by Tor?]
