

Sun Jun 8 20:50:32 PDT 2003

Ike Porter wrote:
> On Sat, 7 Jun 2003, lazarus wrote:
>>On Sat, 07 Jun 2003 22:14:06 -0700, you wrote:
>>>Here's a question- can there be Morganti non-edged weapons? How about a
>>>Morganti flail, or a mace? Yes, I know the Serioli are supoosed to be the
>>>makers (as reported by Vlad- let's not get into his relability as a
>>>reporter), but does it always have to slice?
>>I would think not, since the Morganti element of the weapon, the
>>eating of the soul, comes into play when it pierces the skin.
> ...I can't help but think of the nice pulpy mess that various blunt
> objects can make out of a human being...there's finesse, and then there's
> overkill :)

Speaking of pulp, I seem to recall an earlier conversation about 
Morganti weapons in which the Serioli paper-making process was 
discussed. Something about the unkindest cut of all being a Morganti 
paper cut...  Oh, yes, and the Morganti butter knife.


Jose Marquez
jhereg69 at earthlink.net