
back on-topicness

Sun Jun 15 22:16:08 PDT 2003

Anybody have anything insightful to say about SKZB's having children
appearing in his writing?  I'm thinking maybe the portrait of Savn and
Polyi in _Athyra_ or perhaps the last line of _Orca_ and the Zerika
sideplot in _FHYA_.

On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Michele wrote:

> Wow - how lucky can you be.  Not everyone can look fabulous in a
> straight-jacket!!
> Congratulations and good luck.
> Michele
> On 13 Jun 2003 at 21:27, John Klein wrote:
> > So, this probably isn't the correct venue, but I really, really don't
> > care.
> >
> > My wife and I just had our first child. Her name is Willow. Pictures
> > are here:
> >
> > http://illrepute.org/~zarkon/pictures/baby1/
> >
> > Um, wait, it /is/ on topic. I had all the extant Paarfi books with me
> > to pass the time during labor. (24 hours...)
> >
> Michele
> mr1 at rcosta.com