
Imperial Transitions (How much can we trust Paarfi)

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Fri Jun 20 12:05:02 PDT 2003

> > My personal feeling is that the Vlad-period references to "Paarfi romances"
> > are jokes put in by Brust, on the theory that the amusement value was
> > worth the anachronism.

I assumed that Paarfi has written more "historical romances"
than just the ones Brust has translated.  Hence, Vlad and
Cawti were reading some of his older works.


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about it which the cheering influence of the
afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected 
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 ~ Oliver Wedell Holmes, Sr. - "Over the Teacups" (1891)