
Teckla Reign

Tue Jun 24 16:41:25 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, June 24, 2003, at 07:42 PM, Timothy Nelson wrote:

> _Teckla_ does indeed mention a Teckla Republic. I was mostly wondering 
> what
> people thought about the conditions at the time, and whether the 
> "Emperor"
> would be elected. (After all, no matter how much political power the 
> senate
> would have, the orb has to sit on somebody.)

Before Julius Caesar, the Roman Senate elected a consul as head of 
state, usually two, to rule for a year. I imagine the Teckla have 
something similliar.
"If they've already seen your best they can do without the rest, don't 
ya know."---James McMutry